Friday, March 20, 2015

My Dog Ate My Homework?

I know one of the things I say all the time is, "I don't have time." After seeing this quote, I never realized how that really sounds. So how do you manage your time wisely and stay productive? Follow these easy steps!

Establish a routine 
Try to do things around the same time everyday. Set aside time to complete the tasks you have to do.

Be organized
Plan out your day so that you don't forget to do anything.

Make your deadlines
Make your own deadlines for things. When planning your day, set time limits when you want things done. Don't procrastinate.

Take breaks 

Your mind works better if you take small breaks between work periods. It refreshes your brain and helps you from getting tired faster.

Stay motivated
Find a way to keep yourself motivated. Some people listen to music while they complete work, while others will reward themselves for staying on task.

Know yourself 

Don't push yourself too much. Know your limits.

Let's make this week a productive week and stop saying, "I don't have time." 

1 comment:

  1. I've enjoyed your blog the past few weeks. Some of your posts reminded me of this quote my personal trainer posted to Facebook this morning:
