Thursday, April 16, 2015

Is the day over yet?

With the school year coming to an end,  there are a lot of things going on. College students all over are busy trying to get the last assignments in and finish the year off strong. Most people are walking around like zombies waiting for the day to be over. Or maybe you have this feeling at work.

So, how do you give yourself a boost of energy to finish out the day? One way is eating certain foods. Choose foods from the following groups and you should gain some energy to finish out the day!

Sweet Potatoes

Eating these foods should give you the energy that you need to complete your productive day! 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Plan G or L?

With graduation quickly approaching, some senior are stressing about not having a job or not getting in the graduate school of their choice. So, what do you do to remain calm? Follow these helpful tips!

  1. Seek help: It's okay to accept that we can't always do everything ourselves. Sometimes we really do need the help and advice of someone who has been there before. 
  2. Always keep a positive mindset: Remain positive. Negative thoughts will just stress you out more. Stay away from negative people too. They will only add negative thoughts to your mind. 
  3. Remain focused: Keep the goal in mind. Don't get sidetracked. 
  4. Never give up! Keep trying until you reach your goal! 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Spring Cleaning

With the start of spring, comes the need to do some spring cleaning. I know I need to do some spring cleaning of my closet. Here are some tips to clean your closet successfully.

  1. Create 3 different piles: clothes to keep, clothes to donate, and clothes to throw away. 
  2. If you have to debate on keeping something, just donate it. Someone else can make good use of it. 
  3. If you can no longer fit the clothing, just get rid of it. There is no use in keeping something that you can't even wear. 
  4. Purchase organizing tools, if needed. Use bins for your winter clothes and place them in a storage location. Purchase a shoe rack if needed, or other organizing tools. This will ultimately decrease the clutter in your closet. 
  5. If you can't remember the last time you wore it, get rid of it. This means that it is just taking up space and adding to the clutter. 
  6. Find a good place to donate to. I know I like to donate to Goodwill. Also, try to see if you can donate it to a friend or family member in need first. 
I hope these tips help you! Have a great time spring cleaning!