Thursday, April 16, 2015

Is the day over yet?

With the school year coming to an end,  there are a lot of things going on. College students all over are busy trying to get the last assignments in and finish the year off strong. Most people are walking around like zombies waiting for the day to be over. Or maybe you have this feeling at work.

So, how do you give yourself a boost of energy to finish out the day? One way is eating certain foods. Choose foods from the following groups and you should gain some energy to finish out the day!

Sweet Potatoes

Eating these foods should give you the energy that you need to complete your productive day! 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Plan G or L?

With graduation quickly approaching, some senior are stressing about not having a job or not getting in the graduate school of their choice. So, what do you do to remain calm? Follow these helpful tips!

  1. Seek help: It's okay to accept that we can't always do everything ourselves. Sometimes we really do need the help and advice of someone who has been there before. 
  2. Always keep a positive mindset: Remain positive. Negative thoughts will just stress you out more. Stay away from negative people too. They will only add negative thoughts to your mind. 
  3. Remain focused: Keep the goal in mind. Don't get sidetracked. 
  4. Never give up! Keep trying until you reach your goal! 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Spring Cleaning

With the start of spring, comes the need to do some spring cleaning. I know I need to do some spring cleaning of my closet. Here are some tips to clean your closet successfully.

  1. Create 3 different piles: clothes to keep, clothes to donate, and clothes to throw away. 
  2. If you have to debate on keeping something, just donate it. Someone else can make good use of it. 
  3. If you can no longer fit the clothing, just get rid of it. There is no use in keeping something that you can't even wear. 
  4. Purchase organizing tools, if needed. Use bins for your winter clothes and place them in a storage location. Purchase a shoe rack if needed, or other organizing tools. This will ultimately decrease the clutter in your closet. 
  5. If you can't remember the last time you wore it, get rid of it. This means that it is just taking up space and adding to the clutter. 
  6. Find a good place to donate to. I know I like to donate to Goodwill. Also, try to see if you can donate it to a friend or family member in need first. 
I hope these tips help you! Have a great time spring cleaning! 

Friday, March 20, 2015

My Dog Ate My Homework?

I know one of the things I say all the time is, "I don't have time." After seeing this quote, I never realized how that really sounds. So how do you manage your time wisely and stay productive? Follow these easy steps!

Establish a routine 
Try to do things around the same time everyday. Set aside time to complete the tasks you have to do.

Be organized
Plan out your day so that you don't forget to do anything.

Make your deadlines
Make your own deadlines for things. When planning your day, set time limits when you want things done. Don't procrastinate.

Take breaks 

Your mind works better if you take small breaks between work periods. It refreshes your brain and helps you from getting tired faster.

Stay motivated
Find a way to keep yourself motivated. Some people listen to music while they complete work, while others will reward themselves for staying on task.

Know yourself 

Don't push yourself too much. Know your limits.

Let's make this week a productive week and stop saying, "I don't have time." 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Hard Work Vs. Regret

As we approach the end of midterms week, I know that everyone is happy that the stress is over! Midterms week is one of the most challenging weeks in college. It seems like the workload never ends! Sometimes we just want to give up. I know I have been in that situation many times. Why have I never given up though? What stops me from giving up? One thing that keeps me pushing is my goals. I know where I want to be in life and I just keep that image in my mind. 

When I look at this quote, it really makes me think. My answer to this question would be the pain of regret. I never want to regret a situation that I had complete control over. Looking at this quote makes all our hard work not seem that big because the fear of regret affects us more.

What are some things that keep you working hard?

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Let's start saving!

I know one of the biggest problems I have is saving money. I have a habit of spending money and not being able to account for where my money went. Here are some helpful tips on how to save money.

Tip 1: Create a monthly (or weekly) budget. Think of the necessities that you need and leave a little room for emergencies.

Tip 2: Reduce your eating out habits. I know I have a bad habit of always eating out. It's really cheaper to cook and eat leftovers than it is to keep eating out. Cutting this habit will save you a lot of money!

Tip 3: Think of things that you can go without having. Can you make your own coffee at home instead of going to Starbucks every day? Can you paint your own nails instead of going to the nail salon every week? Can you cancel the gym membership that you haven't used in 2 months? Try cutting some of these things out of your budget and only use them as a positive "reward" when you have the room in your budget for them.

Tip 4: Set small saving goals. If you save $50 for the next 12 months, you will have saved $600. If you save $100 for the next 12 months, you will have saved $1200. When creating your budget, figure out how much money you will be able to save every month and work toward that goal.

Let's start saving!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Being Productive in School

Everyone has a busy life and sometimes we forget to do things. Personally, I can have a million things on my mind and it causes me to forget things. Here's some helpful apps I use to keep me on track.

iStudiez Pro
This app is extremely helpful to me. I use it mostly for school. You  can add class schedules, tests, and even assignments to this app. 15 minutes before your class (or other scheduled event) starts, the app will send you an alert. You can also set up alerts for homework assignments. There is a place on the app to enter your professor's contact information, including office hours. Overall, I think this app is amazing and I have been using it for 3 years now. I highly recommend this app to others.

Grades 2

This app has also become very helpful to me. It was recommended to be by someone else. The first step to this app is putting all your syllabus assignments in to calculate your total points possible for that particular class. You then tell the app what grade you want to get in that class. Personally, I shoot higher. The app will then tell you what you need to get on each assignment in order to achieve that grade for the semester. Whenever you get an assignment graded, you add the grade to the app. The app then adjusts to tell you what grade you have now and what you need to get on the remaining assignments in order to obtain the grade you want. I think this app is very useful and I also highly recommend it.

Hope these apps help you!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Keep Calm and Drink More Water

I know that I do not drink as much water as I am suppose to. It's really hard when our society is so use to drinking other things like juices and sodas. So, I want to talk about water today and its benefits.

How water benefits you 
When you are dehydrated, you tend to have more ache and painful sunburns. You tend to have bags under your eyes and feel more fatigue. Being dehydrated also makes you have longer hangovers. When you are hydrated, you will have a healthier scalp, along with healthy nails, hair and skin. Being hydrated also helps with weight loss

How much water are you suppose to drink?

So, for example, say you weight 150 pounds. When you compute the equation, it means that you should drink roughly 9 cups of water a day. Some people like to add fruit to their water, and that adds a extra detox to the water. Drinking 2 cups of water after you wake up helps activate your internal organs. Drinking 1 cup of water 30mins before a meal helps with digestion. Drinking 1 cup of water before a bath helps lower blood pressure. Drinking 1 cup of water before going to bed helps to avoid stroke and heart attack

Other benefits of water 

So, this week, let's work on drinking more water!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Are your habits good or bad?

Listening to a church service on Sunday, the Pastor discussed habits. Have you ever just sat down and thought about the things you do on a regular basis? Do you do some of these activities without thinking about them first or even know that you are doing them? Are some of these activities good for you? Are some of them bad for you? This week, lets reflect on our habits and how they affect our lives.

What is a habit?
According to Merriam-Webster, a habit is "a usual way of behaving: something that a person does often in a regular and repeated way". Another definition of a habit is, "a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up". A habit can be anything from brushing your teeth, to smoking cigarettes.

What is the difference between a good habit and a bad habit?

Most times when we discuss habits, we have a tendency to think of them as only being bad. We rarely think of something as a good habit. During the church service, he discussed the difference between a good habit and a bad habit. He said that a good habit is anything that benefits you, and a bad habit is something that is toxic to you. A good habit may be something like studying, or eating well. Good habits usually have good consequences connected to them and are something that we need to keep doing.

How do we break bad habits? 
In order to break a bad habit, you have to first accept that it is bad for you. You then have to find solutions on how you can stop yourself from doing this bad habit. It has been said that it takes doing something continuously for 21 days for it to become a habit. After you find a solution to stopping your bad habit, you have to follow through and make sure you stop the bad habit from reoccurring.

What are some of your good habits that you are proud of? What are some of your bad habits and how do you think you could change them?

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Who is the creator of your destiny?

Some of us think of the future as this blurry picture with a bunch of missing pieces. Others of us see the future painted on this beautiful canvas. Nobody really knows what the future holds. To me, the future is scary. I don't know what my future holds. One little mistake could ruin my entire future and destroy the image that I have painted. At the same time, one decisions could create a whole different image for my future. I ran across a quote that I thought was great.

I thought this quote was very inspirational. Nobody can tell you what your future is going to be like. Nobody can paint that picture for you. Only you have the power to paint that picture. Think of it as an empty white canvas, and you are holding the paintbrushes. I believe that everyday is a new day to start over. If you didn't like how yesterday went, you can start over today and create a better day. No matter how bad of a day you had, you can paint over it the next day and move on. Don't let anyone judge you. Ignore the negatives things that people have to say. You are who you are and nobody can change that. Surround yourself and your life with positively and of course smile more! Make sure you are the only creator of your destiny at all times. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Choosing a topic to write my blog about was hard at first. I wanted to do something that was going to keep my interest for the entire semester, and hopefully last longer than that. I thought about doing reviews on certain movies, but that already exist. I then thought about doing reviews on tv shows, but realized that wouldn't really keep my interest for long. I started to think about what motivates me. Personally, I would like a place where I could go and receive helpful and insightful motivation. A website or social media platform like that really doesn't exist right now. So, I decided to create my own. This is a place where anyone can come and receive motivation and positive insight to get them through the week.

I hope you enjoy my blog and feel free to leave your own positive insight.