Thursday, February 26, 2015

Let's start saving!

I know one of the biggest problems I have is saving money. I have a habit of spending money and not being able to account for where my money went. Here are some helpful tips on how to save money.

Tip 1: Create a monthly (or weekly) budget. Think of the necessities that you need and leave a little room for emergencies.

Tip 2: Reduce your eating out habits. I know I have a bad habit of always eating out. It's really cheaper to cook and eat leftovers than it is to keep eating out. Cutting this habit will save you a lot of money!

Tip 3: Think of things that you can go without having. Can you make your own coffee at home instead of going to Starbucks every day? Can you paint your own nails instead of going to the nail salon every week? Can you cancel the gym membership that you haven't used in 2 months? Try cutting some of these things out of your budget and only use them as a positive "reward" when you have the room in your budget for them.

Tip 4: Set small saving goals. If you save $50 for the next 12 months, you will have saved $600. If you save $100 for the next 12 months, you will have saved $1200. When creating your budget, figure out how much money you will be able to save every month and work toward that goal.

Let's start saving!

1 comment:

  1. This post is very important for me! I have the same issues with going off campus and spending money. My parents always wonder why I chose to go off campus with the food this campus offers but after hour years of eating the same food it is simply I just get bored of the food. I also ways try to budget but it is a difficult task to do. Hopefully once I am in the real world with a job I will be able to be more frugal with my money! I specifically like tip #4. The though of being able to save $600 is incredible!
