What is a habit?
According to Merriam-Webster, a habit is "a usual way of behaving: something that a person does often in a regular and repeated way". Another definition of a habit is, "a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up". A habit can be anything from brushing your teeth, to smoking cigarettes.
What is the difference between a good habit and a bad habit?

Most times when we discuss habits, we have a tendency to think of them as only being bad. We rarely think of something as a good habit. During the church service, he discussed the difference between a good habit and a bad habit. He said that a good habit is anything that benefits you, and a bad habit is something that is toxic to you. A good habit may be something like studying, or eating well. Good habits usually have good consequences connected to them and are something that we need to keep doing.
How do we break bad habits?
In order to break a bad habit, you have to first accept that it is bad for you. You then have to find solutions on how you can stop yourself from doing this bad habit. It has been said that it takes doing something continuously for 21 days for it to become a habit. After you find a solution to stopping your bad habit, you have to follow through and make sure you stop the bad habit from reoccurring.
What are some of your good habits that you are proud of? What are some of your bad habits and how do you think you could change them?
I think this is a great blog topic because it affects so many people. Everyone has habits, and most of the time they aren't good habits. I know I have a couple habits of my own, and breaking the bad ones definitely isn't easy. I just wrote a blog about pet peeves and how I criticize people constantly, and can see how that is a bad habit. Going about changing that definitely isn't going to be easy, but is something that will benefit me in the long run!